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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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What is the Mike Shane Memorial Fund?

The Mike Shane Memorial Fund (MSMF) provides financial assistance to patients diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma who need a remote second opinion. 


We are a donor-funded granting organization run by volunteers. 100% of the money donated is used to provide grants to patients.


We believe everyone deserves a second opinion. When you're sick with a disease like Cholangiocarcinoma, it can be difficult to access the appropriate physician due to financial, geographic, and physical limitations. Remote second opinions are ideal, but most insurance doesn't cover them. We are here to fill that gap.


Who are our partners?

The Mike Shane Memorial Fund was created as the philanthropic arm of Purview, a company whose mission is to improve medical outcomes by enabling access and sharing of diagnostic information, including for remote second opinions. MSMF is an independent organization from Purview.


Our medical partners include the Cleveland ClinicPinnacleCare, a health advisory group that manages the logistics of gathering the grant recipients' medical information, for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, PennMed, and University of California San Francisco (USCF).


Our advocacy partners who help share this resource with patients and providers include the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation, TargetCancer Foundation, Patient Advocacy Foundation and Craine’s Cholangiocarcinoma Crew, and Putting Patients with Rare Diseases First.


Why are second opinions important?

A second opinion can confirm an initial diagnosis and treatment plan as the best, correct path or it can provide a different diagnosis or alternative treatment options. A study by the May Clinic showed that 88% of patients' cases reviewed for a second opinion resulted in a different or refined diagnosis. Two heads are better than one, as the saying goes, and sometimes a second opinion physician can see a different angle on your condition.

In the case of a critical diagnosis like cholangiocarcinoma, a second opinion ensures that you know what all of your options are and  you can make the best decision in regards to treatment for your physical, emotional and financial well-being.   


What is a remote second opinion?

A remote second opinion doesn't require travel.  All of your medical records, scans, pathology and any other necessary medical information are gathered and reviewed by specialists who will offer their expert opinion on your diagnosis and treatment plans.  Sometimes it will be a confirmation of what has already been determined and sometimes a different plan will be suggested and discussed with your primary physician. Patient won’t have to travel.


What are the eligibility criteria for grant recipients?

​To be considered for a grant, applicants must meet these eligibility requirements:

  • U.S. citizen or legal resident 

  • Diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma

  • Not currently an inpatient - nor will be at time of treatment - in any hospital or institution.

How do I apply for a grant?

1. Visit and go to the 'Patient Application' page. Submit the application interest form providing your basic information. 


2. You will then receive a "Next Steps" email instructing you to complete a patient information form and Patient Service Agreement in the Expert View online second opinion platform.


3. Once we receive your completed forms in Expert View and you pass our basic recipient eligibility requirements, we will pass your case on to our medical partners for further review. If your case is accepted, we will notify you by email and/or phone call and discuss the next steps.


4. After being approved by the hospital, you will receive a written second opinion on your diagnosis/treatment.


5. A representative from the Mike Shane Memorial Fund will reach out to you to ask for feedback on the overall experience.


Can I apply on behalf of someone else?

Yes, absolutely. Please simply make it clear on the form who the patient is and who the main point of contact should be and relationship to the patient


As an approved grant recipient, what do I receive?

You will receive a written report detailing a multidisciplinary second opinion on your case. You and your physician will receive the written report via email 


Does the grant cover additional scans needed or treatment after the second opinion?

No, this grant only covers the remote written second opinion itself.


What will I owe?

Nothing! You will not need to pay anything for your remote second opinion. All we ask is that you agree to be contacted by one of our representatives to provide testimonial/feedback to help us spread the word about the fund for other potential patients. We will not ask any medical questions nor will we ask about your experience at the hospital, only the application process.


Who determines if I am eligible for a second opinion?

MSMF will determine if you are eligible for a remote second opinion based on the above criteria.  Your completed patient information form and Patient Service Agreement will be sent to our medical partners.  They make the final decision as to whether or not a remote second opinion is warranted


Do I have to travel to get my second opinion?

No, you do not have to travel. The entire process is done remotely. You will 


How long does it take to get a remote second opinion?

Once your application is accepted, you should receive a written remote second opinion within approximately two weeks.


Why can’t I be an inpatient and get a remote second opinion?

Our medical partners cannot access your medical records while you are an inpatient at another institution. Having this access is critically important for providing your second opinion.


Can I choose the physician who reviews my case?

No, the cases are assigned to physicians based on their availability to ensure that you receive your second opinion as quickly as possible. Your case will be reviewed by the expert physicians at Memorial Sloan Kettering or the Cleveland Clinic, two of the top cancer-care hospitals in the country.

Can I get a second opinion at a different hospital?

At this time, our hospital partners Memorial Sloan Kettering, Cleveland Clinic, PennMed, and UCSF; though we plan to expand our partnerships in the future as we have the opportunity.

Will I meet the doctor who reviews my case?

To make this process as efficient as possible, the expert physician(s) receive your case and provide a written report to you entirely remotely.  This means you do not have to arrange any additional meeting or appointment with the physician for the second opinion.


Do you have other questions that weren't answered here? 

Email us at

Anchor 1
FAQ: Partners
FAQ: What is remote second
FAQ: eligibility
FAQ Importance of Second Opinion
FAQ how to apply
FAQ Can I apply for someone else
FAQ Wha do I receive
FAQ cover additional scans?
FAQ Who determines eligibility
FAQ Do i have to travel
FAQ how long does it take
FAQ why cant i be inpatient
FAQ choose physician
FAQ Will i meet the doc
FAQ other quesions?
FAQ different hospital?
FAQ what will I owe?
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